Trimming trees
Het snoeien van bomen is een belangrijk onderdeel van boombeheer. Iedereen kan wel een takje afknippen, maar het correct toepassen van de juist soort snoei is toch een hele kunst. Hier...
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Monumental tree care
Monumental trees are trees considered to be of particular value because of their age, size, rarity, beauty or historical significance. These trees can be an important...
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Chop trees
Sometimes there is no other way, and it is necessary to remove a tree. We are ready to remove trees of all sizes and shapes. We do this with the highest priority...
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Repair storm damage
Tree damage after a storm can range from broken branches to completely uprooted trees. Repairing this damage is important to the health and safety of the trees...
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Planting trees
Trees provide many benefits to their environment. This is also described as ecosystem services. This includes cooling, CO2 storage, water purification, water storage...
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Other Care Work
Every tree is unique, so sometimes it is necessary to take unique measures. Examples of these measures are, for example, placing a crown anchor, applying...
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Remove stump
After a tree has been felled, a stump often remains. Although a stump is ecologically valuable, given all the mushrooms and animals that can get their nutrition from it, it can...
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Inspect trees
As beautiful and important as trees are, they also entail risks. For example, unkempt trees regularly run the risk of branch breakage, wind throw or branch tearing. To this...
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Chop trees
*** Deze dienst tijdelijk niet beschikbaar***Het komt voor dat bomen op ongunstige plekken staan of in de weg staan van uw (bouw)plannen.Dan zijn er twee opties, u kunt uw boom laten...
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